The work of pest control professionals touches millions of lives every day, making them healthier, safer, and happier. We improve the quality of life of the people we help directly and countless others throughout the world.
Today, public health officials attribute the quality of life we enjoy to three things… better sanitation, better pharmaceuticals and medicine, and better pest control.
In other words, pest control professionals are not only protecting most people’s largest investment … their property, but their health as well. In fact, when you consider the world-wide scope of pest-related damage and disease it’s hard to exaggerate the role of pest control in making the world a healthier, more hospitable place for humanity.
Termites and other wood-destroying insects cause billions of dollars in damage to houses and other structures in the United States every year. Pests can also make people sick. Mosquitoes spread West Nile virus, Zika virus, and other serious illnesses. Ticks transmit, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and more. Cockroaches contribute to asthma attacks, spread bacteria, and contaminate food, as do rats and mice. And, stinging insects send more than half a million people to Emergency Rooms every year.
Can you imagine the destruction, suffering, and loss of life that would result if harmful pests weren’t kept in check? Without pest control, restaurants and other public food places would have to close because of unsanitary conditions. Food processors wouldn’t be able to provide us with clean, healthy food. Hospitals would become places where diseases were spread from one person to another instead of cured. When you take all of that into consideration, pest control professionals have rightfully earned a place alongside healthcare, law enforcement, social welfare, and other professionals as the protectors of public health.
More and more people are seeing pest control professionals in this light and recognizing the vital role that pest control plays in keeping our communities safe and healthy. What was once considered a “nice-to-have service” is now regarded by many as a “need-to-have” service. Homeowners want to protect their families from pests they no longer think of as mere nuisances, but as disease carriers. Proactive pest control is no less important than installing smoke detectors or fastening seat belts.
When you add it all up, pest control professionals have very good reasons to hold their heads high. Making the world healthier, protecting homes and structures, safeguarding the world’s food supply, projecting and encouraging professionalism, and improving our overall quality of life.
The work we do truly makes a difference in the world and that makes being a pest control professional something to be proud of.
Watch this video to learn more:
Pest control professionals play a vital role in protecting public health by controlling pests that threaten humans, the food supply, and the structural safety of homes and businesses. Learn about the benefits of a career in pest management, along with the industry’s projected economic growth and commitment to professionalism.