Pest Control Branch Manager: Orkin

After having her first child, April Chamberlain was looking for a stable career and joined Orkin in an administrative role over eight years ago. “At the time, I did not anticipate it turning into an amazing career opportunity, but I am very happy it did! The company cares not only about me but also my family. They focus on not only making us better professionals, but better people.”

Since then, April has quickly advanced in her career at Orkin, rising from her administrative position to a Pest Control Technician running her route, then Service Manager and now Branch Manager“I have been able to advance in Orkin because our company truly believes in developing their people.”

April credits Orkin’s Leadership Development program with preparing her for management. “Our leadership development program is remarkable. We are given every opportunity to learn and advance from within and as long as we take those opportunities, the sky's the limit. Any ambitions I have had to grow within the company have been encouraged and they have invested in helping me reach my goals, which inspires me to do the same for my team.”

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One of the most rewarding aspects of April’s career is the impact she is able to have on the health and safety of her customers. “There is nothing better than knowing you have made someone feel comfortable to allow their kids to play outside, or to create peace of mind by removing pests that are trying to move inside a home or business.”

Those looking to get into professional pest control don’t need to have any prior industry experience, either. “I encourage others to consider pest management for a career because it is challenging, rewarding and full of continuous learning. We get to be a part of a team that hits the field every day with a mission to provide a safe place to live, work and play for our customers. If you want to make a difference, if you want to be challenged, if you want to continue to grow, consider a career in pest management.”

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